

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Weather and checking in

You should see some of the damage here after the storm this weekend. We had a few shingles blow off the roof here, a birdbath on my back deck ended up on the neighbour's front lawn and the lady across the street had her shed flattened. It's like something picked it up and just dropped it. Everything inside is worthless now. Her neighbour lost most of his fence. Unreal.

Just outside of town, the wind broke an electrical pole and the bottom half of which fell over, leaving the top half hanging from the electrical lines. It resulted in the closed road and 4 hours of planned power outage here to repair. We went over to Mum and Dad's and had dinner there.

I went to my Mum's yesterday to take advantage of 27�C weather (nearly 30�F) and sun and wind to do laundry and use her clothesline since I do not have one. It was SO windy yesterday that by the time the washing machine was done a cycle the stuff put on the line was dry. Totally unreal.

Good news the winds died down last night and we just got rain thankfully so no more wind damage around here. Rob had to go in to work early this morning: 9am LOL Poor baby didn't know what to do with himself since the work day the past few months has been 10 am to 11:30/12:00 noon AFTER being taken out for lunch LOL

He is so sick of eating out though and he said this morning I know it's not fair to you LOL That's fine, I'll just take myself :)

Getting up for the time that I have visitors from AZ so I've been working like a busy bee around here getting more of the house sorted through and trying to find double bed sheets for when we go to Algonquin. I know I had a bunch from when I was on my own and can only find half sets. I am so glad I went to Mum's yesterday to line dry laundry... it's pouring rain today. I also need to go out and get new pillows and a sheet set for the trailer when we get it this Friday! Can't wait :) I saw the grocery store I go to had feather pillows on for $9.99 so picked up one to see how it is. If it's any good I'll replace the rest of the pillows with it. Rob's pillow must weigh 10 pounds so I know he is definitely overdue. I went to Zeller's to see if they had any decent bedsheets and I didn't like ANY of them and they were grossly overpriced. So I think a trip to Hanover is in order to the Wal-Mart there. I'm not sure if I'll do it today or wait until tomorrow. Rob is at work all day today so I don't have to worry about possibly picking him up until at least 4:30... so maybe I will go today. While at Zehr's I picked up milk, some more eczema relief stuff (finally something that works!! And nearly cleared up! Cleared up enough for capris!!!!) and two butterfly cut pork chops. Having that for dinner tonight.

Going to finish up the laundry today and try to get some more vacuuming in. We agreed that we are going to get dyson vacuum but waiting to see if they ever go on sale. If not we'll get one anyway. They have great reviews for ease of use and picking up pet hair. Hope they go on sale soon, they look very promising. My 8 year old dirt devil is still good, but doesn't have the suck it used to and the filter is getting to be a headache. I got my $79 worth out of it though.

Truck is still in the shop getting the 5th wheel hitch put on. Our poor mechanic went from where the heck are all my customers to holy shit they are coming from everywhere!!!!! He is just swamped now so we told him to take his time we don't need it until Friday.

Anyways, going to finish up my tea here have my shower and get cracking. No hummers yet but I admit I haven't really been watching. Need to freshen up the feed in the feeder it looks a little waterlogged. (Little being the understatement of the year)

Have a nice day everyone. I miss keeping up with everyone here.


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