

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Small and white... clean and bright...

... you look happy to greet me! (OK, I've always had a weakness for Edelweiss... especially with Christopher Plummer singing it in The Sound of Music)

I left my wet hair in the ponytail last night and think I'll scratch that idea... I don't think I sleep much on my back but when I was awake I laid there and didn't like that feeling at the back of my head where the ponytail was. So I'll try leaving it as is. If that doesn't work, dry my hair at night and set it in the morning. Nice thing about long hair is that ponytails always look OK LOL and if I'm going out get the hot rollers out.

Otherwise it was different but not a bad different either. I'll do it again tonight. And like River... washes up in the morning if funky things happen the night before (don't make me elaborate please LOL)

Nautical Top WIP progress: Both sides are finished now, but I have to run to Spinrite Bernat Factory Outlet (Jeanette remind me to take you there when you are up here - it's just down the street from me) and get some yarn needles. I cannot for the life of me find mine! Then I can sew this thing together, do the collar and give it to the girl. Then I can this off the top of my head and get Rob's slippers done, my tea cosy done and start the socks. Bernat has a new sock yarn out called SOX and it's quite pretty. One ball does a pair of socks. I've only seen it on the computer screen so want to see it in person and see if their definition of the word "economical" matches mine LOL

Now to do something with my mop of hair and get going. Sirloin Tip Roast for dinner tonight.


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