

Thursday 2 April 2009

the end is in sight (Crochet WIP)

I have the shoulders sewed together in the Nautical top and I'm fixing to start the collar. I had to have a shower first though. I didn't get one last night and it was a wicked early morning hours. So as such my right calf is (or I should say "was") a little messy. So even though I had a shower this morning, I'm going to have a second one tonight and get back in the habit. Rob and I had a fun evening watching TV and just being together. It was long overdue. We watched Simpsons (his favourite) and Family Guy (that's one strange show...) and then CSI NY for me. It's soo nice to have the Closed Captioning working again.

But it was around 11:00 pm when I powered down and I was beyond ready for bed (normally 10PM I'm heading to bed) and I couldn't keep my eyes open enough to hop in the shower.

I sure paid for it this morning though LOL

I'm out of body wash so will try the Dove stuff Dave mentioned. I had used Oil of Olay for extra dry skin but sometimes I like to find what works better.

I also need to find a blue shirt for the Kinette Zone Conference which is this evening. I'm not sure if Linda will be there but if she is I'm hoping that I will have the Nautical Top WIP done so that I can give it to her. I'm not particularly looking forward to the conference which hopefully won't take long, because I don't know who all is going to be there and to be honest I'm kind of all kinned out. I told Rob I should have joined the horticultural or birding society. It's more in tune to what my interests are. Some of the women are... well.. women. I've always gotten along better with the boys and down to earth women. Not too many of those kind of women in this area. Most of them are obsessed with who's doing what and what she's wearing. Enter me, a pair of jeans and a t-shirt I'm sure some think I'm a little odd. Plus the fact that I'm actually a very quiet person in social settings. I'm a very shy person unless I know and feel comfortable around a person. Otherwise the second I open my mouth it's stammer stutter stammer and as River knows, I tend to talk 100 miles a minute and try to get a paragraph out in one breath LOL But, I figure I should make an appearance and it might actually be fun if it goes right. Besides, I'm the paddyfest web designer, I think I have a bit of respect there in my own right. I've been doing that monstrous website since 2004. I'm essentially each year donating a $1,500 website to the community. I just get so nervous in those group settings.

I bought a ball of that Bernat SOX, the "Pink Cammo" colour. It was $5 for the ball at the outlet store and I'll have to see how much it is in stores. I doubt I saved much, the outlet store gives more of it's savings to it's "seconds" or end dye lots. The baby granny ripple afghan only cost me $2 to make because I bought the bulk yarn which they charge by the ounce.

I was hoping to see books there on Fair Isle Knitting but was unsuccessful. They did have some beautiful afghans, sweaters and socks on display to show the various uses for their yarn. They also have a craft section where you can get glue, stamps, I think cardboard as well plus other neat stuff. You can also buy buttons, thread, needles, embroidery material there and fleece. There's quite a bit of stuff in there for such a small building.

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