

Thursday 16 April 2009

Beautiful Day Today

High of 12�C (53��F) and I have all the windows on the main floor open.

Did a slow cooker roast the other day and it was large enough to have lots of leftovers. I also peeled all the remaining potatoes in the bag and threw them in, did half a bag of carrots and an entire cooking onion. Rob asked me if I'd make a loaf of bread today and we'll have hot roast beef sandwiches with leftover gravy. Sounds good so fired up the mixer this morning after he left for work and the dough is now on it's first rising.

I started a double pointed needle knitted sock tutorial. I started working on it and now don't think I'm quite ready to work with 4 needles so I put them away and will focus on getting more fluid with two needles.

It was a nice day so Rob got off work around noon and we went to Waterloo to pick up the 5th wheel hitch for the truck. $400 and brought it back for Jed our mechanic to look at it. Turns out it's old style, but he'll make it work on our 2000 Chevy. Chevrolet from what I gather changed the truck frame design after the 1999 truck models so we're just on the edge of the new frame design. The truck that this hitch came off was an early to mid 90's model.

Thankfully, the hitch can come out when not needed but the bars it attaches to on the truck stay. They go across the truck box like = instead of what we envisioned the || style.

I think I mentioned that the RV Dealership is backlogged in the Service dept so we pick the RV up April 30. Just in time to haul it down to his parent's farm for a benefit concert we'll be going to for my BIL's service club. We'll be seeing Mudmen and Bobnoxious. Mudmen are pretty good, they performed at paddyfest while I was pouring beer. They're a bagpipe rock band. Normally I'd agree, bagpipes and rock n' roll are a bad combo, but they make it work.

Only $12 a ticket and the proceeds to the community.

Well, I was telling Rob I was getting closer to vacuuming the upstairs: I carried the vacuum up there LOL

Getting further ahead in the thrift store donations. I have one more leaf bag full. Rob and I will have to sit down sometime upstairs and sort through what he wants to keep. Have lots of dishes up there. Plus stuff from when I was on my own, plus when I left the guy I was seeing before I met Rob, he packed everything including food and cooking stuff and cleaning stuff. Most of it is garbage, but just have to get up there and separate donatable and garbage. I'd say 95% of the stuff up there is not being kept.

Back to the grind and maybe get one room reclaimed, but MUST vacuum.....


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