

Monday 20 April 2009

Have trailer, have campsite...just need job....

The title is an exact copy/paste of Rob's status message in MSN and it sums the circumstances up perfectly.

One headache we're dealing with now is how to get internet to our seasonal campsite so we can still run our VOIP phone. I don't want to be using my cell phone as the primary phone while there, it will be too expensive. We have the campsite booked (number to be determined) and go up this afternoon with the seasonal cost/deposit, not sure which.

The campground we'll be at is

Pine Tree Leisure Camping

and is located about a mile from the lake in the town of Tiverton.

The plan is to get the trailer up there perhaps while Dave and Jeanette are here and make a day out of it.

Now all we have to do is get the job from Bruce, I think Rob was going to phone the company today and find out what the status is.

Windy, overcast and a little rainy today. But the temperature isn't too bad, the high is to be about 8�C I think, which is about 46�F.

The Kinette meeting last night was okay, I guess, we didn't even have Quorum present. Club House Rules state that in order to make motions and pass/defeat them we have to have Quorum present. Quorum in our club is 50% of the members in good standing. Currently, that would be 6 members. We were one member shy of that. This is the first time we've had this happen since we updated the house rules last year and introduced Quorum. Before that, two people could make impromptu decisions on how to spend money, run the club, etc.... and it wasn't a free for all, but it was dang close to one. So since our membership is small, we decided that 50% of the membership for Quorum was good enough. I presume that if this becomes a regular issue, the house rules may have to be changed. At the time the house rule was made, it only was 4 members made up quorum.

The two members I avoid most weren't there so it was a good meeting for me at least. None of my ideas were shot down and were tabled to the next meeting for discussion. To be honest, I'm surprised there was a meeting since Quorum wasn't present. But we carried on, just couldn't pass or defeat anything.

We held the first phase of nominations for next year's executive and of course I was nominated for President. Usually the way it works, if you're V. President usually that's your training year for the President position the following year. Our club is small enough that we don't bicker too much about who wants to be what. Annalese was nominated for V. President and no longer wants to do the bulletin. She didn't find it fun anymore LOL It was nice to have colour bulletins but I could tell by the content and stuff that she wasn't into it. I didn't mind doing it, well, I was bulletin editor for 2 years in a row.

If I get the President position, I'll do the commute to the monthly meetings. I want to be able to have that experience and I have a feeling I'll only get it as a member of the Palmerston club. Find out next month since that is when we hold the club election.

I'll be chairing the June meeting if I can make it. That same weekend is the Zone B campout at Silver Lake. Runs from the evening of the 19th (although some are up earlier) to the 21st and Kinette meetings are the third Sunday of every month. May is excepted because of the long Victoria Day weekend. So ours is bumped to the following Sunday.

Well, best be off, I need to get something to eat, take my prenatel and have my shower. Picking Rob up from work today since the truck is still in the shop getting the 5th wheel hitch put on. It's proving to be trickier than the mechanic thought so has to do other things to make it work. Plus it was discovered that the back brakes need work the salt from the winter roads likely being the culprit.



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