

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Doctor Visit

Shew, what a visit, we were there for an hour just with the doctor.

He said with me (both of us really) I'm showing the typical signs of sleep apnea although a sleep test would confirm. He noted that both of us don't have a lot of space between our chin and our neck (meaning I have a slight double chin and Rob's REALLY got a double chin) so when we sleep, it all relaxes and rests on our neck causing our air flow to be interrupted. All these air flow interruptions interrupt our sleep and we're not getting the deep restorative sleep we need. Which in turn causes the vicious cycle, me sleeping about 10 hours a day, tired all the time, no energy, etc. If we were to lose some weight these problems could lessen or be eliminated.

He suggested to me (since I hate going out in this winter weather) that 30 minutes going up and down the stairs here would be a great start if I don't want to shell out the money for a gym membership. I weighed in at 163 pounds there and my ideal weight is about 130 at the high end of my frame/height. I could stand to lose about 30 pounds then.

He also suggested we drink more water instead of going for that second helping of food, and don't eat 3 hours before we plan on going to bed, that hurts the uninterrupted sleep too if your stomach is working while you sleep.

I do have to go for blood tests tomorrow though to rule out diabetes, thyroid and hormone levels.

Now to figure out what to have for dinner with all this on my mind LOL


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