

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Woman Stuff...

Since starting the Metformin for my PCOS just over 3 weeks ago I think I'm starting to notice some of the effects of it.

Asides from the constant fatigue..... and the feeling that my head is a little messed up (disjointed thoughts and having a hard time getting a complete sentence out) there has been other interesting effects.

The second week I was on it, there was one day where the cramps were so bad that I was in the bathroom with not the runs but damned close to it. I thought it was the new fruit juice I was drinking but after having it again the next day with no effect, I put it down to something that I wasn't sure what it was. (does that even make any sense????)

Then last Friday I noticed a little spotting. But very faint. The fatigue and just general blah feeling continued. Saturday one more spotting episode, and again on Sunday. Then yesterday morning I thought my period came. But I discovered later no, just a larger spot with clotting. I was starting to get worried. I told Rob about the spotting again when the Saturday evening one happened. He asked me if it was like when I had the miscarriages. I said I didn't think so but wasn't sure. I was just keeping an eye on it and keeping more track of how I was feeling. When I saw the clot and larger spotting yesterday, my mind just started to race. (Hence only getting the bingo calls out once and no bonus bingo call.....)

Rob got home around 5 after a dental appointment and I told him what happened. He said see if you can get an appointment with Dr. Hancock or do you want to go to emergency? I said no, I'll see how I feel later. Worse case scenario call 911 if I need an ambulance since he had school.

The rest of the evening went fine, I went on the internet to look up Metformin side effects when treating polycystic ovary syndrome because all the stuff I have from the pharmacy is for diabetes which I don't have.

I found out that spotting is normal as my hormones affected by the PCOS get realigned and evidently I've been getting off very easy compared to other women who are on metformin for PCOS. So when Rob got home I told him and by that time his Mom had called and she is on Metformin for her diabetes and she confirmed some of the other side effects but they wear off after awhile when your body gets used to it. She's been taking it for about 12 years.

Another (nice!) affect I've noticed is that my facial hair is a bit thinner (just in front of my ears) and my skin feels a little more resilient and not so oily in some spots. Acne has never been a problem for me thanks to my father's great peaches and cream skin gene so never noticed that issue being alleviated. (PCOS sufferers evidently get horrible acne and skin issues)

So maybe this will do the trick and my body will get back on track. Last night was a real learning experience for sure!

I'm still tired today but not near as bad as it was yesterday so going to try to get some more work done here since I was useless as tits on a bull yesterday.


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