

Thursday 12 November 2009


7:30 pm and just waiting on Rob to get home. I've got a real pork loin in the crock pot (I'm assuming everyone heard about my... error... yesterday....) and I'm feeling super tired.

I was thinking of maybe a nice romantic night with Rob but for whatever reason my eyes just don't want to stay open. I'm tired of being tired that's for sure LOL Maybe it's the fact that it's pitch black out now. I am looking forward to December 21 the shortest day of the year.. because after that the days start getting longer again.

The past few mornings there has been frost on the ground but the daylight sun has sure been nice. Almost to the point I could have all the windows in the house open. But I've just had a few open to bring the fresh air in, but not for very long.

Started the 3 doses a day today and so far so good no issues. I will take my third pill with dinner tonight.

Got one more load of laundry to do and it will ALL be done.

Well, I guess I'll get the rest of dinner going, everyone have a nice evening :)

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