

Thursday 10 December 2009

Schtuff :P

Well, after we recovered from an over the phone estimate... we decided that this piano is NOT worth keeping. $10,000 to $12,000 because it needs a new soundboard and restringing and pegging. It's an old Ennis upright which is generally regarded as a mediocre piano anyway. Basically a piano on a very very very very small budget. And the saying goes, you get what you pay for. And we paid only $500 for it 10 years ago LOL

He said he has one in his shop where the cabinet is a little worn (used in a barbershop quartet) but it's only 15 years old and is like a brand new piano inside. It's smaller too so will fit perfectly in the new house. I get a bench with it also (although they don't match but I don't care it's a playable piano for now) and it costs us $900 delivered to the new place and the old piano here now is taken away for free. It will be so nice to play my music again. I love playing the piano. I played it for 10 minutes and not once did I get strain on my wrists (like I did on the Ennis)

The cottage officially became ours at 10:30 this morning. Rob's status on his messenger is currently:

hmmmmmmm.....cottage is ours....hot tub calling....road closed....must be in Canada!

I liked it so well I posted it on my facebook page. They since reopened the highways (Rob worked from home today all the highways and county roads surrounding Listowel were closed) except for Hwy 23 which is adjacent to us, it never opened all day. Then at 5:00 they were all closed again and at this time (9:15PM) remain closed. This stupid system is just hovering right over us and is expected not to leave until tomorrow afternoon (as of now). Fortunately, the forecast for Saturday is partly sunny so I have that to look forward to for moving day.

The house is 98% packed. Just the clothes left to do and a few odds and ends to pack up. However I only have 1 box left and a drive around town today yielded none. That's fine, I'll pack up what I can, unpack at the new place bring the boxes back and pack the remainder. The bulk of the work is done. Now to get the trailers here and start loading them. I'm very tired. And the house is full of boxes that are full.

I'll be so glad when this is all done. I. Hate. Moving.

Jenn :D

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