

Thursday 17 December 2009

Nice to sit down and catch up a bit here

Greetings from Boxland. What? You've never heard of Boxland? Oh it's a wondrous place just oozing with hide and go seek. Useful items such as my address book go peek-a-boo yes I'm here... you just can't find precious Box #17 that contains me....

I'm impressed that I have as many Christmas cards addressed as I do since I can't find my address book. I had to send an email to my friend in Florida because I don't have her new address committed to memory quite yet. Others I was able to track down thanks to email group databases where people put their addresses for card exchanges and such. Plus some I knew their street address and just had to look up zip codes and postal codes.

I was traveling back and forth to the old house in Listowel to get the last little bit of stuff packed (humph, I packed that entire house except for two blessed boxes!) and now it is finally done. I told Rob to take the car to work because I didn't need it today.

New piano is coming tomorrow.

Old piano was taken away Tuesday. Thanks for the memories :)

Got some more unpacking done but I'm ready to pull my hair out because I can't find some things and wonder if they are in the boxes in Listowel. I really wish I knew where the box containing my address book is..... Finally got a call from the post office yesterday before heading to Listowel and we now have a post office box assigned to us. Fortunately I don't have to walk far to get my mail - the mailboxes are at the end of my driveway.

This town is a ghost town in the winter not very many people here at all. Need to remind Rob to phone Hydro One to set up an electric account. Same with the propane company.

Having fun with my new kitchen toys.

Put my frying pan feeder out and so far only saw a squirrel partaking. He's a fat bugger too. Either that or a preggers female. Rob gets a kick out of the frying pan heater. He asks me when I mention what I've seen eating from it "do you have the flame underneath going?" LOL Haven't seen any birds at the feeders but do see Canada Geese flying over our "island" and seagulls. There's a few deer in the area too. Saw 3 the night we moved in and were driving to town to get dinner, and then Rob saw 2 last night as he was driving home.

Well, need to get some more dishes done. They are taking longer because I'm still trying to decide where to put everything.

Jenn :D

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Jenn, being in a new house must be exciting, too. :) I wish I could move, too. :)


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